Touch of Evil
Weird Girls "Touch" Series

by Cecy Robson
October 13, 2020
Weird Girls #10; Weird Girls Touch #1
“There is something about Cecy's writing that grips me and holds me to the page...I'm so in love with these sisters and characters. I can't wait for more books!” – My World in Words and Pages
The award winning Weird Girls series has continued to delight fans with breathtaking paranormal romance stories told through Celia and Taran’s point of views. Now it is the youngest sister, Emme’s turn to share her story with readers.
Emme Wird, the healer and powerful telekinetic hasn’t had the best luck with males. Her sisters have found their mates and their forever loves. After a series of disastrous dates, Emme will settle for a decent meal and polite conversation.
When the pack member Emme had dinner with is found dead, it is up to Emme and her werewolf pal Bren to solve his murder. But spine-tingling danger and touches with evil have ways of bringing close friends closer in ways neither would have expected.
Could the male Emme has searched for be right in front of her, as he has been all along? Or will evil snatch him away from her, just as it did once before?